All Seasons Travel & Tours is a private Limited Zambian owned company, based in Lusaka, Zambia & was registered in 2012.
We are a Travel Agent, Tour Operator & General Sales Agent for various accommodation providers in Zambia – hotels, lodges, camps, guest houses etc and adventure companies.
The company is also recognized by Zambia Tourist Board & Galileo/Travelport Zambia – the industry’s service providers in flight reservations & ticketing.
The founders/Directors of this organization are indigenous Zambians with many years of experience in both Travel & the Hospitality Industry and have held senior management positions in their respective fields of study.
We aim to remain focused in facilitating efficient travel services to our current & future customers. With tours being our speciality, we shall endeavor to provide a choice of tailor-made safari packages/holiday tours, yet affordable, that will meet individual or group programmes, leading into a beneficial satisfaction to all parties. Equal training opportunities to all members of staff, in their respective fields, so as to maintain high standards in our service delivery process. The customer is the reason we exist & customer satisfaction is our goal!
In All Seasons, travel is possible…..